Hi Hammies
I am going to tell a true story what happened not long ago.
Someone asked a friend to come and visit him as they talked on the cell phone many times, the friend said that the time will come to visit, as time passed, and responsibilities came first the hammie became silent key.
Surprice Surprice what the hammie had in store for his friend who never came to visit. Once upon a day a courier delivered a parcel to the friend and who accepted it and opened the parcel, to his astonishment the hammie sent his Log sheets to him.
I was contacted to help with the log sheets and perhaps the "calling were to become one day also an amateur radio operator, who knows.
The bottom line is never wait until hammies goes silent key to go and have a QSO, if you have a valid ICASA approved ham licence, pick up your radio mic and call on the radio.
Go and have that coffee with a friend and be more radioactive.............
Code of Conduct
The Amateur is always Considerate…..
He never knowingly uses the air in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of other persons.
The Amateur is Loyal…..
He offers his loyalty, encouragement and support to his fellow radio amateurs, his Club and to the South African Radio League, through which Amateur Radio is represented.
The Amateur is Progressive…..
He keeps his station abreast of science. It is well built and efficient. His operating practice is above approach.
The Amateur is Friendly…..
Slow and patient sending when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, co-operation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the marks of true Amateur Spirit.
The Amateur is Balanced…..
Radio is his hobby. He never allows it to interfere with any of the duties he owes to his home, his job, his school, or his community.
The Amateur is Patriotic…..
His knowledge and his station are always ready for the service of his country and his community
Best Regards
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