Friday, 5 January 2024

 Happy 2024!

May all good things come to you this year and many QSO's.

Allstar and Echolink

I have started in December 2023 with installing and bringing to live my Allstar node. I started to experiment with Windows via Virtual box.

So, on my journey I struggled and connected to Curtis ZS6CMO and Eben ZS1HEB.With many hours spend in the shack and over weekends, my mission was clear, the ASL node needs to work. After some help also from Johan ZS1I I did not manage the windows part so successfully as my R1 interface did not want to pick after trying again, no luck, the audio was only one way and worked nicely but I wanted it to work both ways, otherwise what is the use then.

So, I went and bought a PI, no not the pie you buy at the garage, it was a zero raspberry PI, only then entry level as that was only what I could afford. Waited for about 3 days, received and the same day after work the PI was connected. Now how does the PI work....

Called my fellow ham buddy Eben ZS1HEB, and so the magic started, he loaded the linex app to the PI and there we can now configure the settings. After setting up I still have no joy, watching some utube videos, and no luck.

Next person to be called Curtis ZS6CMO, and immediately it was like watching the moving "Matrix" the PI linex started to get life, but still there was some programming from myside I started to explore and malfunction the whole Supermon program. After every work session, I was working on this program, days went by, weeks and yesterday Curtis ZS6CMO fixed the audio problem.

Many utube videos and the manual said only 1x usb to be connected, and that was incorrect. As both the audio and usb port must be connect to the PI. Now the audio needs to be configured, very load from the RF side going into ASL and echolink.I called the Curtis ZS6CMO again and 1, 2, 3, 4 fixed.

From my side what I have learnt is, make sure your linex programming is correct, every comma is there for a reason. If you fail, just try again until you succeed. That is what amateur radio is about.

I have the master file for ASL and if someone needs help, we can clone it and update your credentials.

Please test on ZS1COR-R

ASL 600741

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